Proceedings of 2017 ASEE Northeast Section Conference

Renewable Energy Generation from Footsteps using Piezoelectronics
Bala Maheswaran, Rya Dent, Matthew Hoffman, Molly Sharpe, Zachary Stern, Daniel Trapp

Power generation in both developed and undeveloped countries contributes greatly to the growing pollution and climate crisis on Earth. However, untapped renewable energy exists in almost every facet of day to day life, and this energy can potentially be harnessed to generate electricity. Humans themselves can provide renewable energy through normal behavior. This paper analyzes the potential for excess energy found in the impact of footsteps to be converted into sustainable, clean electric energy for public use. Specifically, this paper explores the potential for the application of piezoelectronics in electricity generation. The proposed device would harness the energy of human footsteps in order to compress and vibrate multiple piezoelectric sensors, passively generating electricity that can be stored or used immediately. In a public setting, a durable and safe piezoelectric footstep generator could help supplement the rising need for renewable energy in the United States and the world.

Corresponding Author: Bala Maheswaran,

Last modified: 2017-04-12

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